10 common shoulder exercises for strength and rehabilitation using cabl

10 Common Shoulder Exercises For Strength & Rehabilitation Using CABL™

CABL™ is a revolutionary tool for rehabilitation. First and foremost, this is not medical advice and we suggest if you're having ongoing shoulder issues to seek out the guidance of a licensed, practicing physiotherapist healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment of any shoulder injury.

If you've recently installed CABL™, this article is a great guide to use to start getting the most out of your machine. 

To purchase CABL™ today, click this link

Let's have a look at some common shoulder exercises that may be performed using  CABL™.

Cable External Rotation

Attach a cable to the machine and stand with your side towards the cable machine, holding the handle in your hand closest to the machine. Keep your elbow at a 90-degree angle, and rotate your arm away from your body. This exercise can help strengthen the external rotators of your shoulder.

Cable Internal Rotation

Stand facing the cable machine, holding the handle in the hand furthest from the machine. Keep your elbow at a 90-degree angle and rotate your arm towards your body. This exercise can help strengthen the internal rotators of your shoulder.

Cable Face Pulls

Attach a rope handle to the cable machine at head height, and grab the handle with both hands. Keep your elbows high and pull the rope towards your face. This exercise can help strengthen the muscles of your upper back and improve your shoulder posture.

Cable Reverse Fly

Attach the cable to the machine and stand facing away from the machine. Hold the handle with both hands and lean forward slightly. With your arms straight, lift your hands away from your body until your hands are at shoulder height. This exercise can help strengthen the muscles of your upper back and shoulders.

Cable Shoulder Press

Attach a handle to the cable machine and stand facing away from the machine. Hold the handle at shoulder height with your elbow bent. Press the handle overhead, fully extending your arm. Lower the handle back down to shoulder height. This exercise can help improve your shoulder strength and range of motion.

Cable Lateral Raises

Stand facing the cable machine, hold the handle with the hand furthest from the machine, and lift your arm out to the side until it reaches shoulder height. Lower it back down slowly. This exercise targets the medial deltoid, which is an important shoulder muscle.

Cable Upright Rows

Stand facing the cable machine, hold the handle with both hands, and pull it towards your chin, keeping your elbows high. Lower it back down slowly. This exercise targets the upper traps and deltoids.

Cable Scapular Retractions

Attach a straight bar to the cable machine, hold it with both hands, and retract your scapulae (squeeze your shoulder blades together) while keeping your arms straight. This exercise helps improve scapular stability and strengthens the muscles of the upper back.

Cable Rotator Cuff Internal/External Rotation

Attach a small D-handle to the cable machine, and hold it with your elbow bent at 90 degrees. Perform internal and external rotation of the shoulder while keeping your elbow at your side. This exercise targets the rotator cuff muscles, which are important for shoulder stability.

Cable Pull-Aparts

Hold the cable handle with both hands, arms extended in front of you, and pull the cable towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. This exercise targets the muscles of the upper back and posterior shoulder.

Remember to always consult with a licensed physiotherapist or healthcare professional for proper evaluation, guidance, and supervision when performing shoulder exercises, especially if you have a shoulder injury or are undergoing rehabilitation. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific condition and needs.

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